The penalty in that case was just around $4 million.
$4 mil/$43 mil = .093 %
Government authorities :
They will use the financing statement to ensure the fairness of the business and to receive proper amount of tax.
Investors :
Current or potential investors would check financial statements to ensure they will suitable returns after investment.
Creditors :
They will check financial statements to make sure they get their due money back.
Employees :
The employees will ask for bonus if the company performance in statements is good,
Given: -
Sarah's income = 25% of the partnership income but not less than $12,000.
Net income of partnership for the year = $32,000.
To find: -
1) Amount that can be deducted by partnership as guaranteed payment.
2) Income that Sarah is to report on her tax return.
Solution: -
Partnership income = $32,000
Sarah's share = 25% of 32000 = $8,000
But Sarah must receive $12,000 (Shortfall $12,000-$8,000=$4,000)
So, 1) $4,000 can be deducted by partnership as guaranteed payment.
2) Income that Sarah needs to report on her tax return = $12,000.
Let's see there's forming, storming, norming and performing. I would use teambuilding during forming to limit the amount of storming in the next stage.