If you would like to know about how far does a car travel in 7.1 seconds, you can calculate this using the following steps:
51.3 feet ... 1 second
x feet = ? ... 7.1 seconds
51.3 * 7.1 = x * 1
x = 51.3 * 7.1
x = 364.23 feet
The correct result would be 364.23 feet in 7.1 seconds.
Quadratic is where the degree of x is 2
I would think 3 is the one that might have been written as y=x² which would be correct
1 battery cost .49875 cents, but .50 rounded
Step-by-step explanation:
Divide 3.99 by 8 and you will get .49875
When x is 3, y is 4.5
Step-by-step explanation:
The difference between 4 and 6 is 1.5 and so is 10 and 15,
3 x 1.5 = 4.5