thats some cool facts
skt high sky high sky high sky high sky high
Answer: The Congress had no authority to levy taxes, and was required to request money, supplies, and troops from the states to support the war effort. Individual states frequently ignored these requests.
Is participating in a demonstration what, I need more.
The Office of Economic Opportunity was the agency responsible for administering most of the War on Poverty programs created during Johnson's Administration, including VISTA, Job Corps, Head Start, Legal Services and the Community Action Program.
survey research has few limitations in terms of applications and information obtained
A survey research has many limitations regarding the applicability of the results and information presented by it. These limitations occur, mainly, due to the lack of homogeneity of the participants, who can present the most diverse characteristics, being a very heterogeneous, dynamic group that cannot be controlled. This prevents the survey from showing immutable data about something specific, and can only be applied in comprehensive and generalized situations. In addition, the data obtained in this type of research can be modified very quickly and lose its applicability.
It should be noted that survey research is research carried out to obtain information about something, based on the opinion of a group of people. An example of an opinion poll is the electoral polls conducted to find out which candidate for some political office is more popular than another, according to the population's intention to vote.