a tea company surveyed shoppers at two different malls. shoppers were asked whether they prefer sweetened or unsweetened tea. at
Westside Mall, 30 out of 45 Shoppers preferred unsweetened tea. at Westside Mall 30 out of 45 shoppers preferred unsweetened tea. at Eastside Mall 26 out of 39 Shoppers prefer unsweetened tea. At which location are Shoppers more likely to prefer unsweetened tea.
First, let's create the ratios of sweetened to unsweetened. To do this, you would have to subtract the number of people that preferred unsweetened from the total. Westside mall: 15:30 or Eastside mall: 13:26 or
Now, you would divide to both ratios. 15 ÷ 30 = 0.5 13 ÷ 26 = 0.5
They have the same sum, meaning, they are the same.
Westside Mall shoppers are just as likely to prefer unsweetened tea as Eastside Mall shoppers.