All we have to do is multiply the numerator by the other numerator and the denominator by the other denominator.
They are both even, so we can divide by two with both numbers.
4851 can be divided by 11. So we can divide the top and bottom by 11.
1/441 is the product.
should be 4
Step-by-step explanation:
The first one is 8/12.
Step-by-step explanation:Add numerator and keep denominator same.
more than
Step-by-step explanation:
Solution: The given equation is →3 x+ 5 x=10
As you can see in the above equation on left side of equation the two terms are variables and on right side of equation the term is a constant term.Also you can see there is an operation called addition between the two variables on left side of equation.
In option (A), there is only a single term on right as well as left,so this can't be true.
In option (B), there is a constant and variable on left side of equation.So this is also untrue.
In option (C), variable being divided by numerator, so this is also untrue.
Option (D)3 x - 2 x = 10, is surely correct , because there are two variables on left side of equation and one constant on right side of equation, and there is an operation called subtraction between them .