The Census Bureau lets individuals self-identify. Since the 2000 count, people have been permitted to check multiple boxes for race or ethnicity. But history has shown a wide variance in how people of different backgrounds come to be identified as part of ethnic groups.
Notably, the issue of racial identity surfaced recently following the fatal shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, who was African-American. The boy's shooter, George Zimmerman, initially was identified as white, prompting accusations that he racially profiled Martin. Once it was reported that Zimmerman's mother is Latino and his father is white, he was identified as Hispanic and later as white Hispanic.
The early 20th century's "one-drop rule" stated that a person with a single drop of African blood in their lineage was considered black, and the classification was used for discriminatory purposes.
For the first time in history, more people live in cities than rural areas. Every year millions of people leave their homes in the countryside and migrate towards urban centres both within their own countries and across borders. Some of these people move simply to seek new opportunities and improve their lives.
An opinion is the answer. Opinions are what you personally think, but it might not be what others think.
This is for “the tell-tales heart”
Answer: I have briefly read the book but here is my answer:
Explanation:I think that it is because the old mans heart beats were the reason of the narrators breakdown. They were pressuring the narrator to tell the truth. It was almost as if the old man was still alive persuading the narrator to tell the truth, but the old man didn’t need to do that. He only needed the narrators anxiety issues to do that. Between the eye, the anxiety, the heart beat, even the police, the narrator felt trapped in his own web that has been weaved every time be even looked at the old man. This story is about anxiety, remorse, sadness, guilt. The old man didn’t need to tell on the narrator. The narrator did that himself. In conclusion, it’s called “the tell-tales heart” because it was the heart that told on the narrator to the police, at least not directly. When we think of tell-tale, we think of someone who tells on people and exposes them, that is exactly what the heart did, but he did it in a way that would guilt and posses the narrator to do it himself. The purpose of the story is that no matter how much you try to run away, it will always catch up to you, whether it’s guilt, your past, your enemies. At one point you have to face it, before it’s too late.
Hope this helps!