1.) Snakes are very sensitive to vibrations in the ground.
2.) To avoid a snake bite, use protection. Wear special clothes and boots.
3.) My friend's snake left quite an impression on me.
4.) Snakes only attack first in situations where the feel frightened.
5.) The doctors made the decision to tale the tourist to the hospital.
6.) It's impossible for humans to read the expressions on the faces of animals like snakes.
7.) It's difficult to avoid a bite, because snakes have very fast reactions.
8.) In conclusion, I think that snakes are both beautiful and mysterious.
External conflict: The swan was stuck in thorns. Evidence for this is: Nevertheless, he was able to release it from the thorns.
was the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens. Like Perseus, Cadmus, or Heracles, Theseus battled and overcame foes that were identified with an archaic religious and social order: “This was a major cultural transition, like the making of the new Olympia by Hercules” (Ruck & Staples, p. 204)
But how can someone get lost if they been there dozens of times lol
megan and Tatiana get into a fight about who had the idea for the strike in the fire place