Fiction is a bit difference from fantasy. Fantasy is more on the mystical side with things like magic, supernatural, imagination, etc. While fantasy is fiction, fiction can be a bit more realistic than fantasy fiction. Fiction is based around real events that never happened. Like making up a baseball game that never took place even though baseball is real. Fantasy is more of a imagination thing, like dragons, magic wands, etc.
Ex. of Fantasy: Lord of the Rings or Wonder Woman
Ex. of (Science) Fiction: Godzilla vs Kong or Ready Player One
For this story you need to write, since you said you were being too dreamy, I suggest staying on the thin line between fantasy and realistic events. Think of an event that took place in your life, or someone else's, but change it slightly to how you may like it.
Ex. My brother wouldn't let me eat ice cream when mom wasn't home(Fact) because he said it gave him magic powers and he didn't want the same incident to occur with me(fantasy). So, I'd chase him around the house until my mom got home, stopped him, and let me have some ice cream.(Real ending)
This may not be great and it might to help you at all, but this was just an idea to help you get closer to solving your problem. :)
Shakespeare uses alliteration as Juliet describes her premonitions after she is left alone by her mother and her nurse. Alliteration occurs when a writer repeatedly uses the same letter at the beginning of words that are in close proximity. We see both a repetition of "f" and "c" sounds in the following speech: I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins that almost freezes up the heat of life. I’ll call them back again to comfort me. In the above passage, Shakespeare also uses the juxtaposition of opposites in placing "freezes" near "heat." Juliet conjures imagery as she imagines waking up in the vault and being driven mad by all the dead bodies there. Imagery is describing with any of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. In the following passage, Juliet vividly conjures smell and sound: what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes torn out of the earth-Shakespeare uses repetition for emphasis, such as when Juliet repeats Romeo's name three times: Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! The exclamation point also shows her emotions rising to a crescendo. This soliloquy of Juliet's, in which, all alone on stage, she verbalizes her thoughts, is an example of foreshadowing or suggesting what is to come: things do go quite awry with the plan for her to feign death. Through Juliet's soliloquy, we learn her thoughts and fears as she takes the step of drinking the potion. We come to understand what a frightening prospect this is for her. We see what courage it takes her to go ahead with the plan. We also are alerted to the risky nature of this scheme.
Honesty, kindness, loyalty