en el negocio se recomienda ser ingeniero
art can be anything, litrtature is a somthing like a poem and what not
this might not help at all.
This is my onion to this question i think its:
D-"He believes that we should remove Saddam Hussein and his regime from power immediately"
Your Welcome :)
The use of repetition.
Repetition is elucidated as the literary device in which the author involves repetition of certain words or phrases in order to emphasize or highlight a particular significant idea and make it more clear, effective, and noteworthy for the readers.
In the given two excerpts from "The American Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. and 'Governor George Wallace's inaugural address, the 'repetition' has been used as a technique to highlight the key ideas efficiently.<u> </u><u>In the first excerpt, the repetition of the word 'dream' emphasizes King's idea of 'dream view of America</u><u> where men of all races, of all nationalities and of all creeds can live together as brothers</u>.' <em>In the second excerpt, </em><em>the repetition of the word 'political' and 'race' throws light upon Wallace's idea of ' respecting the rights of others to be separate</em><em> and work from within their political framework</em>.'