í ѕσ ѕσrrч .
í wαѕ grєєdч fσr pσíntѕ
í αpσlσgízє í αm ѕσ ѕσrrч
4) It suggests there is one final point to discuss regarding mucus.
The word "Furthermore" indicates that there is still a point about the mucus that needs to be discussed before the article is finished. This point is probably related to other characteristics of the mucus, besides the impression of unpleasant goo. This point that will still be discussed will be about the beneficial functions of mucus in our organism, in addition to showing its importance for our health.
A hint the author gives to help you find a difficult word in a text
Metaphor - Refers to touching the moon
Anaphora - Both the sentences starts with “he”
Complete sentence
This sentence contains a subject and a predicate.