Think about the work you completed in your reading character role. Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a l
iterary discussion about The Giver. Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you to understand more about the text? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.please answer this?
I have an answer you may use, and this is helpful to thee. Here, you may copy and paste if needed: The story begins in Boston in 1773. Johnny Tremain is a fourteen-year-old silversmith’s apprentice. He works for Mr. Lapham, an aging silversmith, and lives in his house with Mrs. Lapham, the silversmith’s daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Lapham’s four daughters. Johnny is hard-working and good-natured, so he is well-liked by almost everyone and is a leader in the household. Dove, an older apprentice, resents him for this and the two boys often fight. At the beginning of the novel, the pious Mr. Lapham urges Johnny to read a Bible verse about the dangers of pride.
<span>Later that day, John Hancock, a wealthy merchant, comes to the smithy to order a fancy sugar basin to match his existing silverware. Johnny is impressed by the work on the existing set and is surprised to find out that Mr. Lapham made it in his youth. Because Mr. Lapham is getting old and has lost some of his skill, Johnny must help him to make the sugar basin. </span>
<span>That night, Johnny goes walking on the Long Wharf with Cilla and Isannah, the two youngest Lapham daughters. He tells them about his past. His mother died when he was fourteen, shortly before he was apprenticed to Mr. Lapham. She was from Maine originally, but moved to Boston so that Johnny could learn to read and pursue a profitable trade. She always told him that he was related to the Lytes, a wealthy merchant family in Boston. If he was ever desperate for money, he could go to them and ask for help, using a silver cup she had as proof of the relationship. Johnny shows the cup to Cilla. </span>
<span>Johnny takes his mold of the sugar basin to Paul Revere, a master silversmith, for advice. Mr. Revere gives him some tips about how to make the basin better, and offers to hire Johnny if he ever needs more employment. Johnny is in a hurry to perfect the handle before it is due to Mr. Hancock on Monday, so with the help of Mrs. Lapham, he works on it on Sunday (something he is not supposed to do because it is the Sabbath). Dove and Dusty Miller, the younger apprentice, are supposed to help Johnny. However, they are annoyed by his pompous attitude so they give him a cracked crucible to put the melted silver in. The trick was supposed to be a silly practical joke to humiliate Johnny a little, but he spills melted silver all over himself and badly burns his hand. Mrs. Lapham hires Gran’ Hopper, a midwife, to heal Johnny, but she fails to keep his hand flat so it curls in on itself and becomes useless. Johnny can never be a silversmith now. </span>
Well, one of them is that the community, where Jonas lives is orderly and carefully planned. I also find it interesting to see that Jonas is scared about his new role might be. In Chapter One, he says he is apprehensive about what his new role might be. Another thing is that Jonas and Gabriel (Gabe) are different from the rest of the community because they have pale eyes, while everyone else has dark eyes. "Oh, look!" Lily squealed in delight. "Look, how tiny he is!""He, even has funny eyes like you Jonas!"
Do something like that but don't copy and paste it because that's how im gonna send mine ok