because back then they didn't have the right to work , vote , or even do anything but take care of kids and cook for their husbands and kids.
I really appreciate you,
Your helpful, giving ways,
And how your generous heart
Your unselfishness displays.
I thank you for your kindness,
I will not soon forget;
You’re one of the nicest people
I have ever met.
it easy or do u want a longer one
Thirteen-year-old Salamanca Tree Hiddle, proud of her country roots and the "Indian-ness in her blood," travels from Ohio to Idaho with her eccentric grandparents. Along the way, she tells them of the story of Phoebe Winterbottom, who received mysterious messages, who met a "potential lunatic," and whose mother disappeared.
Beneath Phoebe's stories Salamanca's own story and that of her mother, who left on April morning for Idaho, promising to return before the tulips bloomed. Sal's mother has not, however, returned, and the trip to Idaho takes on a growing urgency as Salamanca hopes to get to Idaho in time for her mother's birthday and bring her back, despite her father's warning that she is fishing in the air.
This richly layered novel is in turn funny, mysterious, and touching. Sharon Creech's original voice tells a story like no other, one that readers will not soon forget.
Attached you will find a file with the answers to the four questions provided.
do not smile or make silly faces