By using Ophelia as the bait for a trap that they planned to set up with Hamlet, Claudius and Polonius were able to resolve their issue with the actor.
She was told to act as though she was reading a book when Hamlet, who had once loved her, approached her.Ophelia is used as bait by Polonius to test the veracity of Hamlet’s irrationality.In Act 3, scene 1, Polonius and Claudius are discussing how enthusiastic Hamlet is about the players’ performance that evening and they wonder about the reasons for his insanity.
Ophelia joins the plot because they believe she will learn about Hamlet’s inner thoughts if they have the chance to speak “alone,” but they are actually being watched from a hiding place.Hamlet’s treatment of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern is comparable to CIaudius’ actions.Hamlet’s buddies Rosencrantz and Guildenstern later became spies and informed Claudius and Gertrude of Hamlet’s actions.Due to this, Hanmlet began to treat them poorly.
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