The Slaves labored in the fields from Sunup to sundown
to get a message across to the audience and such things as certain themes they want to raw attention to.
Robert - Robert is the name of Miss Foley's real nephew who never appears in the book. When Will and Jim first see Miss Foley at the carnival she is looking for him, and later Mr. Cooger pretends to be him.
Mr. Cooger - Along with Mr. Dark, Mr. Cooger is in charge of the carnival. He is pure evil, and he pretends to be Miss Foley's nephew Robert in order to get her to ride on the carousel. Mr. Cooger also tries to get Jim to ride on the merry-go-round, and if not for Will he would have succeeded. Although he is dangerous and cunning, Mr. Cooger is a threatening possibility for most of the book since he is too old to do anything after Will messes up his carousel ride.
Here are your answers:
otorhinolaryngologist- oh-toh-rahy-noh-lar-ing-gol-uh-jee
worcestershire- <span>woo s</span><span>-ter-sheer, -sher
</span>This is what my dictionary said when I had to look it up (a while ago). I hope it helped as these are hard words to pronounce.
keep it like a warm coat because it contains like, or as, making a simile, because it says, Keep it *Like* a warm coat.