Answer: 80 votes
Step-by-step explanation: Solve the formula for l. A) l ... 01/18/2017. Mathematics · High School. answered. The surface area of a cone is given by the formula S = πl + πr2. ... all of the 2's are to the power of R the 5/3.14's are fractions. 2 ... Incognit-oh-no… ... and 219 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 140. 4.7. (80 votes).
This is a basic addition/subtraction question. It's saying that they started at the 50 yard line. On the play, they gained 7 yards. So, we'll add 50+7 = 57.
They're at the 57 yard line at this point. On the second play they lost 10 yards (how unfortunate). Thereby, we will subtract 57-10=47.
50 yards +7 yards. -10 yards.
The answer will be that they'll be on the 47 yard line on the next play.
Draw the triangle and then use Pythagoras' theorem
distance =

= 19.70 (2dp)
nothing can be further simplify in this problem