There are under-funded schools in Guatemala where they don’t have many resources.
- Though education in Guatemala is compulsory for six years, the status of primary and secondary education there is one that can be called the poorest.
- Most schools are poverty-stricken and lack the most basic facilities that are necessary for the schools to run smoothly.
- The funds spent by the government on the betterment of education facilities are negligible, thus leaving the schools in great distress.
People who recognized this economic change and wanted to make money by selling land poured into Florida.
These people, known as land speculators, bought land at cheap prices and sold it at a large profit. During this boom, however, most people who bought and sold land in Florida had never even set foot in the state.
The solar system consists of the sun as well as everything that orbits around it including the planets, their moons, comets asteroids and more.
- water pollution
- deforestation
- erosion
- contamination of nearby streams
- change of soil
Order nearest from the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
It camoflaged to symbolic figures such as monarch and living in poverty tha having power to fly like dove and aim successive in goal. he defeated by its own potential his barrier father of the girl and the bad of Manuel. Than became what he wanted to control the moon.conquear whatever cost any obstacle in the wrong.
C. Political matters that were once discussed only in print media are
covered by several forms of media today.