1. The first six beings were the First man, first woman, salt woman, fire god,coyote, and Begochiddy. Cat people occupied the first world and the water monster flooded the third world to force the Coyote to give him his baby back.
2. The first humans were made from the stone of an enormous mountain of rock. Pachacamac Bore had a son and daughter out of pity and sent them to earth to help the first humans. Inca cities were divided into northern and southern halves, it representing the male and female forces.
3. Muspell was a fiery realm, that had rivers of poison and lakes of fire. After Ymir came a cow , Odin became king of all gods and Odin named the new world Midgurd “the middle land”.
4. He gave birth to his son by spitting him out and Hathor is the godess of love and beauty. Autums children went missing and he sent a searchout for them and when they returned he was so happy that he cried tears of joy, and as the tears hit the earth, they became the first men.
5. Humans grew from the first reeds on earth and this reed was called the “uthlanga” which means “source of all things. Unkulunkulu sent out the languid cameleon to spread the word that his people would never die.
Although many events took place around this time in Georgia, the most significant in terms of shaping the history of the US involved the mistreatment of the newly-freed black slaves. There were mass lynchings, beatings, killings, and segregation that negatively affected the reputation of the state.
Section 2 of Article Two lays out the powers of the presidency, establishing that the president serves as the commander-in-chief of the military, among many other roles. This section gives the president the power to grant pardons.
Answer: D. All the teammates were focused on one thing, victory.