What is a synonym for freedom
The march of the German Army seem inhuman because in rally Germany became aggressive and attacked France that results huge loss of arm forces and general public.
The march of German army headed through Brussels during 1915. In its rally Germany attacked France and for that invaded Belgium who was not in rally or did not have any other relation with Germany. The neutral Belgium suffered for the untimely unwanted invasion of Germany.
For this invasion Belgium lost its force and general citizens. Germanies used Belgium's citizen for their interest, for attacking into well planned way to France. For this reason the march of Germany considered as inhuman as they behaved brutally.
Altered Lifestyles The Spanish altered Indian life in many ways. Their intrusion resulted in changing tribal customs and religious traditions. Tribal alliances were shifted and new rivalries were developed. Indians lost their land, their families, and their lives.
Uses of Blitzkrieg in World War II
With close air support from the Luftwaffe (German air force) and the benefit of radio communications to aid in coordinating strategy, the Germans blazed through northern France and toward the English Channel, pushing the British Expeditionary Force into a pocket around Dunkirk.
A drug and alcohol abuse among children