First of all, we should know that domain specific words are those are low frequency and content-specific. So, in this sentence we know that the topic being discussed is a restaurant, so domain-specific words will be those that are used frequently in relation to restaurants.
These are: hostess, waiter, menu
Yuh this is a summery. Summery summery summery. U like dis summery. So good so Cool. This is a summery. Periodt
A noun is a word for a person, place, or thing. (It might be helpful to think of a noun as a "naming word.") There are different types of noun, but all nouns can be classified as either a proper noun or a common noun.
Once we've discussed proper nouns, we will cover common nouns and the nine types of common noun.
It is svio because the other ones are wrong
I uploaded the answer to a file hosting. Here's link: