There is much importance of social culture and tradition because they are the base of the society that makes it more strong, it teaches us to do religious tolerance, harmony, and cooperation, they preserve our social culture, they are the lineage of our country and also our country is known as a social-cultural, a ...
Microeconomics can be defined as a branch of economics where the behavior of individuals and small impacting organizations are studied, where each of these decisions are allocated of limited resources. Microeconomics looks at these behaviors and investigates how it affects the supply and demand of the goods and how this affects the pricing. Macroeconomics studies the total economic activity regarding growth, inflation and unemployment and can deal with national economic policies.
Increasing the accessibility of patient information, reducing offsite storage costs, and freeing up department storage space are all benefits ofimplementing A. Computerized Medical Records
Supreme Law
The constitution is the supreme law of the land.
1. Because wonder woman is perceived as a strong and heroic figure, which is very rare depiction on female characters.
Most of other female characters that we see in either fictional or historical books would depict a weak and feminine individuals that invited other people to protect them
2. I believe the answer would be no.
I'm not saying that the quote is not based on valid argument. But the myth is aimed to tackle the public perception that most women are women, lack of force, and non heroic.
The quote on the other hand only act as a response to coping mechanism from the pre-existing perception.
3. Because female on average are much more caring in term of facing social issues compared to male on average.
This would most likely create a society where all the poor are taken care of and all the social issues that exist within the society would be addressed properly.
4. I think it's because of the counter reaction of actual Athenian history that dominated by Men.
In real athenian society, women would have no role beside taking care of children and household, and the Amzonian story reflect the wasted potential of women in such society.