Life insurance is a contract where the insurance company undertakes to pay the amount stated in the policy document upon the insured's death. The insured, in turn, pays periodic insurance premiums to keep the contract in force.
Life insurance renders financial protection to the family and the insured upon their death. For an entrepreneur, the insurance company will compensate their family for the loss of income occasioned by their death.
of course. Business have obligations and duties towards many parties. we call these people "stake holders". in other words, they are either interested in the business and activities or are effected by the business activities.
for an example, the community and the environment the business operates in are stakeholders and the firm has responsibility to ensure an environmental friendly production and practices are carried out by the firm.
Government and tax authorities are another example. firm has to make sure that the required disclosures are made and proper taxes are paid timely.
Potential investors are another example, the company has to make sure that they disclose all the relevant and material information that may give signals about the companies future and its direction.
International trade has been significant for the globalization of free trade relations.
International trade has been responsible for the global economic growth in the 20th and 21st century .
International trade is responsible for the specialization of goods for one country which is at the most advantage for making that particular product while being able to import the others they may need
International trade makes it so that the types of goods and services available around the world can reach any other part of the world.
no surplus or shortage
Equilibrium price is the price at which quantity demand equal quantity supplied. Above equilibrium price there is a surplus - quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded.
Below equilibrium price there is a shortage - quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied
If demamd increases by 100, new equilibrium is 40
Thus, ceiling price equal equilibrium
Price ceiling is when the government or an agency of the government sets the maximum price for a product. It is binding when it is set below equilibrium price.
Effects of a binding price ceiling
It leads to shortages
it leads to the development of black markets
it prevents producers from raising price beyond a certain price
It lowers the price consumers pay for a product. This increases consumer surplus