three types of regions are: formal, vernacular, and functional.
According to psychology, our behavior is motivated by different things and we all have different motivations for our behaviors. Therefore, two individuals can have the same behavior but be motivated by different factors.
One of the needs is the need for achievement and it refers to the desire to achieve a significant accomplishment and showing high-standards in a task by mastering the skills needed to do this task. In other words, it's the need to accomplish a task that is perceived as difficult.
In this example, Rodrigo enjoys being able to complete a difficult job successfully and accomplishing tasks which require skill and effort. We can see that he feels the need to accomplish a task that are perceived by himself (or others) as difficult by mastering skills. Therefore, we can see that he is motivated by Achievement needs.
Yes. Since both Hinduism, as well as Buddhism, are Dharmic religions, they usually accept each other's practices and many people practice a combination of both. In 2015, a new constitution was adopted and granted equal rights to all religions in Nepal.
Hopefully this helped.
"Depending on where they live, couples can be fined thousands of dollars for having a supernumerary (extra) child without a permit, and reports of forced abortions or sterilization are common. The law also offers longer maternity leave and other benefits to couples that delay childbearing. Those who volunteer to have only one child are awarded a "Certificate of Honor for Single-Child Parents." Since 1979, the law has prevented some 250 million births, saving China from a population explosion the nation would have difficulty accommodating"