If you were facing East and turned 90 degrees left, you would be facing North
In Ptolemy's earth-centered model for the
solar system, Venus's phase is never full as viewed from earth because it
always lies between earth and the sun. In reality, as Galileo first recognized,
Venus is full.
<span>Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth. That
is why we cannot see the full Venus. However, Venus is full (whenever it is on the opposite side
of the Sun from Earth). From Earth, Venus's phases range only between new and
As the ocean currents go around, they gather garbage from around the world and bring it to the centre of the pacific ocean where current is proven to be weakest. It can also be found in the Indian ocean and the Atlantic ocean.
Europe can be considered as a cultural region.
Europe is part of the Eurasian continent. It has been defined as a separate continent not as all others, but on the basis of culture, religion, and race. While this may come as strange, it is not actually, as almost all ethnic groups are descended from the Aryans, speak Indo-European languages, and follow the same religion (Christianity).
These traits put Europe on the map as a cultural region. Not to be confused though, as these are all general traits, which is in contrast with the high amount of different cultures, languages, and religious fractions throughout Europe. While the continent as a whole can be defined as a cultural region, it has to be mentioned that there are also smaller ethnic groups like the Magyars, Szekely, Finns, Basques, Tartars, etc. that come from different cultural, ethnic, and in some cases religious backgrounds.