I believe that is a trick question, “The degree of metamorphism is a function of pressure, heat and time. During orogenic events, the metamorphism of the rocks can take 100's of thousand to millions of years. Too much heat cannot be applied at once since the rock will melt and recrystallize into an igneous rock” i’ve found those same answers on other websites as well. meaning there really isn’t a right answer.
By growing many traditional crops.
The Appalachian Mountains has a great influence on the agricultural industry in Georgia because many traditional crops are cultivated here which has a large contribution in agriculture in Georgia. Crops such as apples, corn, tomatoes and peaches are cultivated on these mountains. Cash crop such as tobacco is also cultivated by the people of these mountains and earn good money by selling the tobacco crop.
Ever since researchers sequenced the chimp genome in 2005, they have known that humans share about 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, making them our closest living relatives.