Tunka Manin - Increased trade of salt and brought economical success
Mansa Musa - Showed of wealth, emphasized education and knowledge.
Askia Muhammad - developed a bureaucratic government and brought about expansion and consolidation
Tunka Manin was a ruler of the Ghana Empire from 1062 to 1076
Manin is known for his involvement with the local communities. He brought economical success to the Ghana Empire. He increased trade, especially that of salt within the empire. Manin was an inspiring figure using an air of divinity and magic, which he used to motivate his people to protect him well. Manin was known to display his wealth by wearing the finest jewels and ivory.
Mansa Musa made a pilgrimage to Mecca which was regarded as his most significant accomplishment. This made a clear sing of wealth to the rest of the world and the enormity of Mali Empire. Musa also quickly established Timbuktu as a place of education and knowledge. People from Africa and the Middle East would come for education purposes.
Askia Muhammad brought about expansion and consolidation which extended the empire to the borders of Yatenga in the South; and from Air in the Northeast to Futa Djallon in Guinea. Instead of staying in the line of Islam, he improved on the traditional model by instituting a system of bureaucratic government which was unparalleled in Western Africa.
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Answer: Reducing the powers of self-government in Massachusetts.
As a response to the economic damage infringed on Britain by the Tea Party incident in Boston, in 1774, Boston's port was closed down indefinitely until the King declared otherwise. Furthermore, British soldiers were deployed in order to enact the measure and the seat of government was to be moved to Salem, further decreasing Boston's importance with the Royal Navy patroling Boston's harbour.
Answer:A jury trial, or trial by jury, is a lawful proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact. It is distinguished from a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions. ... Only the United States makes routine use of jury trials in a wide variety of non-criminal cases.