Since the narrator did this as an act of selfishness, he should be blamed guilty for Doodle's death.
During the course of the story, we could see many moments where the inner thoughts and feelings of the narrator are described to the reader. We also get a character named Doodle, which we know has a disability and was different. We know that the narrator had pride, and didn't want to be ashamed for having a brother different from others. We also notice that the narrator was sometimes cruel to Doodle, like when he threatened to leave him unless he touched his own coffin, made when he was expected to die at birth.
The narrator was selfish and prideful and wanted Doodle to be capable, and like others before going to school. When walking, he would quicken his pace or make Doodle swim till he turned blue, or run till he turned red.
In the last scene (which is the scene where Doodle dies), the narrator quickens his pace and runs through the pouring rain, despite Doodle's fear and tiredness. This shows us that the Narrator doesn't appreciate Doodle as he is, and wants Doodle to be someone normal, to not be ashamed.
Therefore, since the narrator did this as an act of selfishness, he should be blamed guilty for Doodle's death.
The workers followed in succession to the corn field. The would all help with the tillage today.
Succession-a number of people or things sharing a specified characteristic and following one after the other.
Tillage-the preparation of land for growing crops.
I would say shame, since the line says "repentance", which means to express that you are sorry for something. You would do this usually if your are ashamed of something you did and want to apologize.
When it comes to Pakistani women, they fall under the gender subordination system where they still face discrimination based on the gender.
They are the victims of domestic violence, child marriages, and forced marriages. Although there have been many steps taken to improve the conditions of women in Pakistan such as denouncing honour killings, involvement of lady traffic wardens to be in charge of traffic; still cases of domestic abuse and forced marriages remain.
Social activist like Malala Yousafzai is trying her hard to bring positive changes in the lives of Pakistani women. Now more and more girls are given an opportunity to pursue their education.