All answers are correct which is number 4. When you have shortened, rephrased, or cited other people's work, it is vital that the basis of that info be specified. Using other peoples' arguments and thoughts is a normal exercise in advanced writing: it helps give power to your opinions; it helps show that you are acquainted with the argument which environs your subject; it gives penetration and diversity to your paper.
Gouache paints come in many colors and are usually mixed with water to achieve the desired working properties and to control the opicity when dry, also like watercolor, gouache dries to a matte finish. it is similar to acrylic or oil paints in that is normally used in an opaque painting style
In "The Gift of the Magi," the main conflict is that Della does not have enough money saved to buy the gift she thinks Jim deserves.
<span>The city of Pompeii is important because of the way
Vesuvius both destroyed and preserved it, but in the 1st Century AD it
had little special significance.</span>
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