Pretty Sure its Binary
HTML is used for websites.
The port that should be set open to allow users to access this new server is:
TCP port.
Ports are openings or entrance doors through which data packages have access to a PC or server. TCP and UDP are transport protocols with port numbers. TCP means Transmission Control Protocol. They are used to connect two devices over the internet and other networks. UDP means User Datagram Protocol. They are used to connect applications and to speed the transfer of data. Comparatively, UDP is faster, simpler, and more efficient than TCP. TCP enables retransmission of lost data packets, which UDP cannot do.
The features that required to protect the privacy should be:
- Protection of User name and Password
- Protection of Finger print and other bio metric information if collected from user.
- Protection of Personnel Information such as contact information, Identity information if collected.
- Protection of data shared such as pictures and videos.
Privacy protection is required to different websites that are involved in collection of different information from users such as user name, password, contact information, account information and messengers. These websites could be website of some bank, online mailing platforms, online shopping platform and social media platforms. These all are used to share and gather our personnel information for different purposes. To ensure the protection of user data they signed a document with users at the time of making account.
The above mentioned are the features that should be included in privacy protection of the website. As all mentioned features are personnel for every user and should be protected from hackers.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class num8 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter first number");
int X = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter second number");
int Y = in.nextInt();
int Z;
if(X <= Y){
Z = 0;
else if(X >= Y){
Z = 1;
- The program is implemented in Java
- In order to set the values for X and Y, The Scanner class is used to receive and store the values in the variables (Although the questions says you should assume these values are set)
- The if conditional statement is used to assign values (either 0 or 1) to variable Z as required by the question.
We start from the bottom-most and rightmost internal node of min Heap and then heapify all internal modes in the bottom-up way to build the Max heap.
To build a heap, the following algorithm is implemented for any input array.
heapsize := size(A)
for i := floor(heapsize/2) downto 1
do HEAPIFY(A, i)
end for
Convert the given array of elements into an almost complete binary tree.
Ensure that the tree is a max heap.
Check that every non-leaf node contains a greater or equal value element than its child nodes.
If there exists any node that does not satisfy the ordering property of max heap, swap the elements.
Start checking from a non-leaf node with the highest index (bottom to top and right to left).