The correct answer is collectivism, individualistic.
Collectivists believe that the individual does not exist only, but that he is part of a large collective or of small other collectives… Society, Community, Class, Gender, Boss, Worker, Poor, Rich, Man, Woman,White, Black, Police, Bandit, Right, Left.
The collectivist denies individuality and classifies individuals according to their appearances, choices, birth conditions, current situation.
Individualists believe that society does not exist, does not think and does not act, but that a society (or other collectives) are composed of individuals who think, act and live. Individualists understand that although some individuals have affinities and similarities with other individuals, they also have their own differences and peculiarities.
They understand that a society or a collective cannot exist without the individuals that compose it and that, therefore, the individualities of each one are more important than the similarities of the whole.