A scale and a tape measure.
Use the tape measure to get the volume and the scale to get the mass.
Rabbit ear size tends to decrease as latitude increases. this is an example of a cline
A cline can be described as a change of the biological trait of a species across its geographical range. A cline can be genetic for example, change in the allele frequency, or phenotypic (change in body size). The change can be shown as continuous gradation, or it can be more abrupt from one geographic region to the next.
The reasoning behind this could be a part of personal beliefs and or the opinion of that person viewing it as animal abuse. this point of view is based on the individual.
A community is diverse species living together
An Ecosystem is all the living and nonliving factors that affect an organism
1 ) under water earthquakes cause a disturbance sending water outwards away from the point of the earthquake due to air and pressure coming into contact at gray force