Talk about bad news! Paul kneels down on the sideline, takes off his goggles, and starts to cry. When his mom comes to pick him up, he lets her know, in no uncertain terms, that she got him kicked off the team by filling out that IEP form. She sends his dad to talk to the coach and try to resolve the situation.
yeah they can. all it takes issa stong person to stand up to all yall haters. i hope sumone does sum soon
Sentence three makes the least amount of sense
Defiant means to be in kind of a mood. Meaning that to ignore someone all the time and that’s what the boy was doing to his mother.
The most convincing consideration made by the author is that in America there was freedom, since no individual was responsible for maintaining aristocrats and nobles. Each person was only responsible for himself and worked to enrich himself, something that the English could not do.
Letters from an American Farmer is a series of texts written by J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur. The texts are written in a letter format where the author reasons about the exploitation of america, american identity, the advantages that america has and even slavery.
The third letter is entitled "what is an American?" where the author replies that to be an American is to have freedom and autonomy. He reinforces this argument by informing that in Europe, people do not have freedom and autonomy, because they are trapped by an aristocracy that they need to maintain. In that case, workers do not work to enrich themselves, but rather their princes. This does not exist in America, where each individual is not responsible for any noble person, but for himself and works for his own success.