1. Giving the appearance of saying one thing while meaning something else is called <em>irony.
</em><em />2. A group of writers satirizing society is termed as <em>Scriblerus Club.
</em><em />3. The two rhyming lines of verse with five iambic feet is called the <em>heroic couplet.
</em><em />4. The giants with a wise king are called <em>Brobdingnagians.</em>
<em />5. The human beings controlled by cold is reason refers to <em>Houyhnhnms.</em><em /><em>
'birisi bunu yapabilirmi' türkçesi arkadaşım
They turned and ran when they saw us coming.
The pace of the writing slows.
A compound sentence is a connection between two main clauses, which are joined by a conjunction.
A single clause may be either independent or dependent. An independent clause makes sense in its own, whereas a dependent clause can't make sense without the prior context of an independent clause. Therefore, only an independent clause can be considered a complete clause.
When these two concepts are inserted into a work of literature, the level of detail in the story is extended. Thus, the reader gets more content to process, and the pace of story-telling is slowed.