Conjugate the following verbs: assumere, gestire(this is an -isco verb), guadagnare, licenziare , licenziarsi, richiedere, guada gnarsi, and sostenere in all 5 tenses to date( Present, Passato Prossimo, Imperfect, Future and Conditional Tenses)
1 answer:
io assumo tu assumi egli assume noi assumiamo voi assumete essi assumono
io gestisco Tu gestisci egli gestisce Noi gestiamo Voi gestite essi gestiscono
io guadagno tu guadagni egli guadagna noi guadagniamo voi guadagnate essi guadagnano
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The answer is ponit not docuit
Stray means to move away from something or the object is <span>not in the right place; separated from the group. Homeless means you don't have a home. </span>
it is not a correct grammatical expression
well it is right I think a team player can help you get better at what ever sport you do and you can learn from a team player and you can also be a team player as well