The Austrians and the Prussians were attacking along the french border and they were counterrevolutionary rebellions breaking out inside France
I inferred you are referring to the 2000 movie entitled "The Patriots".
Occam, being an African-American was an enslaved man. Thus, he was acting in behalf of his master when he fought.
theres not enough info here
Divide the numerator by the denominator
For example, let's say that you were trying to find out your test score and it was a 23/25
23 is the numerator, or the top number, 25 is the bottom number, or denominator.
23/25 = 0.92
If you do it the other way around
25/23 = 1.086
That doesn't make sense.
If you were to multiply by 100, it would work, but that doesn't give you the decimal. That gives you the whole number.
23/25 x 100 = 92
B. (They were not protected from dangerous working conditions)
Fixed it haha :)