Green Party or Democratic Party; it depends.
The Green Party absolutely is "liberal" and are progressives. Jill Stein was a progressive candidate much like Bernard Sanders, and she ran in the 2016 election under the green party ticket.
The Democratic Party has largely fallen from grace. It has become centrist, more right leaning, and corporatist. You can say it's liberal, but that would mostly be factually inaccurate
Third Party doesn't necessarily mean liberal because it is a term for a party that is not Democrat or Republican. The Libertarian Party, Green Party, and Tea Party are all third party organizations
The Republican Party is an obvious one.
Its main points include:
-Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.
-The death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
-The holiness of the Church and the communion of saints.
-Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.
please mark brainliest
During which dynasty did trade on the Silk Road reach its peak? Question 3 options: Shang Qin Tang Song
Iron, small arms, cannons, saltpeter, gunpowder, knowledge, resolution, hath, and courage.
Hopefully this helps you!
Have a great day/night! ^^
The answer is C. Cities grew rapidly in a period known as Urbanization. People came to cities to look for new jobs and many other reasons.