The p53 protein is known as the guardian of the genome because this protein prevents errors during DNA replication. It is a tumor suppressor gene.
<h3>Tumor suppressor genes </h3>
Tumor suppressor genes are genes that play fundamental cellular roles and prevent cell uncontrolled growth.
A tumor suppressor gene can repair errors that occurred during DNA replication, slow down the cycle of cell division, trigger programmed cell death, etc.
The p53 acts to control cell division and cell death, thereby avoiding the emergence of cancer cells.
Learn more about tumor suppressor genes here:
Sobre la pregunta:
Cucigrama. Pregunta 1 vertical. Absorbe nutrientes por medio de micro vellosidades que recubren y aumentan la superficie de absorción
Intestino delgado
El intestino delgado es el organi mas largo del tubo digestivo, pudiendo medir 7 metros de longitud y 3 cm de diametro. Se caracteriza por estar sumamente plegado sobre si mismo. La primera porcion, llamada duodeno, recibe secresiones de glándulas biliar y pancreática, y las mezcla con enzimas digestivas. Esta mezcla se encarga de degradar la comida y transformarla en sustancias solubles, como amino ácidos.
Es en el intestino delgado donde ocurre la absorción de nutrientes. Las paredes intestinales estas cubiertas por microvellosidades que aumentan la superficie de absorción.
Las microvellosidades son células que componene el epitelio columnar, y que extienden proyecciones hacia el lumen del organo.
Answer: b
Explanation: you have to use both math and science in engineering
B) the model does not show that cells can contain smaller structures inside.
This is true because only a rubber ball was added, indicating that only a nucleus or any one organelle is present in a cell. However, the cell contains more than one organelle from the nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and more.
Another possible answer would be D since they model does not show the process of cellular respiration where cells undergo this process to create ATP in the mitochondria.
The leaves are smaller, meaning the plant cannot photosynthesize as fast as before. This means that the plant cannot produce as much energy and grows slower as a result.