Melanie is using<u> "critical" </u>thinking.
Critical thinking is the capacity to think what to do or what to accept. It incorporates the capacity to take part in intelligent and independent reasoning.
Critical thinking doesn't involve accumulating data. A man with a good memory and who knows a great deal of realities isn't really great at basic reasoning. A basic mastermind can find outcomes from what he knows, and he knows how to make utilization of data to take care of issues, and to look for relevant sources of data to educate himself.
Social conventional reasoning
Social conventional reasoning is common among adults and adolescents. This kind of reasoning is based on judging the level of morality of a action by comparing with the expectations or views of the society. an individual's obedience to rules are not based on moral reasoning but based on what the society expects.
Fernando's reasoning is conventional because he focuses on the rules of the society to control his behavior.
Accommodation: The term accommodation is given by one of the famous psychologist Jean Piaget. He described the process that occurs when new experience or information causes a person to modify his or her existing schemas. Instead of making the new experience or information fit into an existing or already present schema, the person changes the schema to accommodate the new experience or information.
For a girl, a horse is a four-legged animal, huge, and having a long tail. The first time when she sees a cow, the girl calls it a horse because that fits in with the girl's current schema.