A is the correct answer.
The Battle of Chickamagua was the second bloodiest battle of the Civil War behind the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Confederate army defeated the Union with the following casualty count:
Union Casualties: 16,170 (1,657 killed)
Confederate Casualties: 18,454 (2,312 killed)
Explanation: Stereotypes are thoughts or belief that we have about a particular group of people considering their behaviour or personalities or other aspects which may or may not be true and are usually not coming from logical facts or reasons.
These beliefs or thoughts leads to prejudice and biases concerning that particular group because that group may not complete associate with those thoughts or belief.
Many claim he was the smartest man to ever live and his talents are simply impossible to deny. He created scissors, parachute, Mona Lisa, Anatomy Studies, and Engineering.
The monoply companies were playing through the elimation from other companies.
Explanation: He also went to court over 30 times and made an act called the Antitrust Act.