Short paragraphs, un varied punctuation, the redundant use of the subjects name
He could not find a hint; He could not find a sign; He could not find a trail; He could not find a clue.
chasing and catching are compared
In England, a group called Parliament meets to make the laws in the Palace of Westminster in London
There are many laws that affect economic choices because law, which is an effort to regulate society and human behaviour, is closely related to economics, since economics is about the actions of human in society.
For example, labor laws affect economic choices because they regulate the wage that you may receive, the amount of maximum hours that you may work, and even, the places and the type of jobs that you may take.
Another example is taxes. Taxes are imposed by laws, and they regulate economic activity by taking some of your income, keeping you from doing something else with that income: for example, saving it or investing it.