Grammar errors DO create confusion and will detract from the message the author is trying to provide (unless the errors are intentional and are meant to contribute to the meaning of the written work in very rare cases).
Hope this helps! :)
They have a further reach than just the area they are in. They can access social media, websites, and news outlets with the internet. It can save time and money as well. A wide range of audience is available via the internet. People in current times seem to be highly influenced by the internet. Those are just a few ideas that came to mind. If you have multiple choices, list them. You can also stick around a little bit and see what others have to say.
Learn to read and write with new words words that means the same as the words you was gone originally write or speak!
A centrally planned economy oppose these basic economic characteristics- Property owned by private individuals, Market pricing determination by supply and demand forces, encouragement of competition among the companies and providing a wide range of choice to consumer.