The answer is E: All of the above
All of the above scenarios are examples of serious computer crimes. They are crimes that exist in the offline world but take place online. Sexual predators, for instance, mostly take advantage of the anonymity provided by the internet. They often target dating sites and find suitable victims. Cyber bullying and Cyber stalking are just as harmful as any other computer crime. Industrial Espionage may also somehow fall into this category. Less frequently, criminals may steal documents and computer files or more often, illegally gain access to company’s trade secrets on computers and servers.
JTextField is a Swing control which can be used for user input or display of output. It corresponds to a textfield and can be included with other controls such as JLabel, JButton,JList etc. on a comprehensive user interface which is application dependent. JTextField supports a read-write mode where the user can enter a value and it also supports a read-only mode which can be used to display non-editable output to the user.
Windows button = You can see a Start Menu
Task view = You can view your Tasks
Search Box = You can search any app you want in an instance
Google intended the limited initial rollout to be a test of google glass, that the adopters were Innovators.
The initial rollout of Google Glass was limited, purposefully so as to set the price very high. This mean that only a selected few, and those with plenty of disposable income, would be the first to use these devices. Google required people to register for the chance to receive a set. Even if many would want to spend the money on these devices, Google allowed only a selected few to receive them.