The Judicial Branch can rule that the Legislative Branch’s laws are unconstitutional. They can also evaluate the Executive Branch and rule whether or not the actions of the Executive are constitutional.
According to Graham Allison book, Nuclear Terrorism, only 5 percent of daily cargos into the U.S are screened where every day 30,000 trucks, 6500 rail cars and 140 ships deliver over 50,000 cargo containers into the United States. This rarely involves physical inspection which may not detect nuclear weapons and fissile materials.
A U+V mixed together with steepness
For exampe look above.
After a fierce debate in Congress, in November of 1939, a final Neutrality Act passed. This Act lifted the arms embargo and put all trade with belligerent nations under the terms of “cash-and-carry.” The ban on loans remained in effect, and American ships were barred from transporting goods to belligerent ports.
It resulted in the formation of the African National Congress.
The apartheid created a situation when African people with black skin was heavily discriminated by the people with white skin. (which is unusual because at that time the black citizens were the majority ).
The years of injustice led to the creation of African national congress, which established in order to led series of non-violent protest to end Apartheid.