In eukaryotes, the genome comprises several double-stranded, linear DNA molecules bound with proteins to form complexes called chromosomes
Traditional classification is also known as the Linnaean classification. This type of classification focuses more on the similarities in appearance when it comes to categorizing organisms.
Cladistics, or modern classification organizes organisms into groups based on evolution.
Limestone is composed largely of the minerals calcite or aragonite. Some limestones do not consist of grains and are formed by the chemical precipitation of calcite or aragonite. This is how limestone can be classified as chemical.
High energy electron carrier used to transport electrons generated in Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle to the Electron Transport Chain.
8 miles
Velocity is speed+direction (the speed of something in a given direction). We know that running on a track, one is moving forwards, which is why the velocity given as positive. Now we do some simple algebra. 120 minutes is equal to 2 hours. At a velocity of 4 miles an hour, for 2 hours, you multiply 4x2 and get 8, which is how far (in miles, units are important) the man has traveled once he comes to a stop.