Explanation:when fat are ingested,it has to be emulsified and broken down into monoglycerides,fatty acids.these molecules have a polar hydrophilic end and a non polar hydrophobic end .the fatty acid and monoglycerides that enter the cells of the mucosa are formed back into large tryglycerides molecules ,which then forms chylomicros, which are water soluble.they then pass into the lacteal vessels from where there are Transported to meet the body's needs
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food.
produced at one at a time.
human egg are not produced only at one time.
Knee flexion exercise is an exercise that involves bending the leg at the knee joint, thereby reducing the gap between the lower leg and upper leg.
The benefit of this exercise includes:
- Helps to strengthens the muscles in the back of the thigh.
- Helps to strengthens the muscles at the hamstrings.
The voluntary action that i may perform after experiencing fatigue from the exercise is to Stand Upright.
The action will helps my lower leg and upper leg to regain normal posture, thereby reducing the muscle tension around my knee.
Learn more about knee flexion exercise here