Fur color that closely matches the eucalyptus bark color
In terms of evolving from land dwellers to tree dwellers, the number of offspring does not matter. Although the ability to run faster is a good evolution for escaping predators, it does not help the koalas evolve to be better tree dwellers (how would you run using only the trees?). Communicating with their peers would be convenient for survival, but it does not help koalas become better tree dwellers. What does help koalas survive better by traveling through the trees is camouflaging with the bark of the tree to hide from predators.
Transfer<span> ribonucleic acid (tRNA) is a type of </span>RNA<span> molecule that helps decode a </span>messenger RNA<span> (mRNA) sequence into a protein. tRNAs</span>function at specific sites in the ribosome during translation, which is a process that synthesizes a protein from an mRNA molecule. or check this site out it might help
A. is for your answer help this helps
T matches with A
C matches with G
Think about it like this, T is a nerdy boy, C is a jock boy, A is a nerdy girl, and G is a jock girl.
If you were a matchmaker in your high school, you'd pair the nerds (A&T) together and the jocks (C&G) together so they'd have common interests and get along well, right?
It's the same with DNA, T&A get along well, and so do C&G.
Hope this helps <3
The photosynthesis reaction(s) (by green plants in sunlight)
6 C02 + 6 H20 =>C6H1206 + 6 02