Circe advises Odysseus to hug the cliff of Scylla and sacrifice six men rather than risk losing his whole ship to Charybdis. Also, he should race through as quickly as possible instead of trying to fight her (the monsters are female, of course).
Odysseus over comes the lotus (drug, temptation), rough seas, and his stubborn crew. Odysseus shows strong will and determination which allow him to overcome this obstacle.
In the poem "The Bean Eaters," Brooks describes a couple of old people. She talks about the life they live, and the image is one of simplicity and routine. We learn that the couple is not wealthy, and in fact, they are quite poor. This is the reason they mostly eat beans. The poem is meant to highlight the injustice of poverty, and the sad situation of people like this couple. Brook's use of end rhyme and internal rhyme contributes to this overall meaning. It helps develop the idea of desolation and simplicity that characterizes the couple's existence.
this is not enough information for me to answer so once you give me some more information maybe I can answer it correctly
To the seventh man, the wave symbolizes, or represents a challenge, or in his words , "Something from a far off world."