Shapeshifter causes more harm to the hero's journey than Villain in fulfilling heros' destiny.
Because, Considering a villain is a person or an image which is stable. Whereas in the case of Shapeshifters, they can take up any of the shape. Sometimes a person or an object which would be impossible to detect and destroy. For example, let us consider "Captain Marvel" movie where Vers had to deal with Skrulls who are basically shape shifters. The writers made Skrulls to be in the good side. Let's take a moment to think how hard for Danvers to deal with shapeshifting villains. Hence the rather than Villain, the shapeshifters cause more harm in fulfilling hero's destiny.
<span>The upper right-hand corner of the note-card contains the source information.
Typically it contains the name of the author and/ or the page number where the information on the card was found. Sometimes if you're also using source cards, the upper right-hand corner will contain a source number so that you can reference your source card for the necessary information. The top of the note-card should be titled with the topic the information will address or support. </span>
This is an example. None of this really happened. (I have a dog)
<em>"It was a crisp, cold, dark night if I remember correctly. I was rushing my parents out the door and into the car so we could go to the vet. Our cat got hit by a car a couple blocks away and someone brought her to the vet. I was relived because if our cat didn't have a microchip they probably would've taken my cat! I was so scared. My heart was beating super fast, my palms were sweaty. Anyway, as I got there my stomach sank. I hated the vet, the doctor, etc. The vet asked if we were the owners and then took us to the room he was in. He wasn't hurt too bad. He broke his paw, but he'll manage. Moral of the story, is I will never forget how scared I was."</em>
</h2><h3>making an effort to remain focused</h3>
I hope this helps