It reminds the people what they hope to believe also symbolize there hope for there country?
The enhanced standard of living of the citizens is the best indication of a more developed society.
- A number of parameters can be applied for the measurement of the development of any given society.
- But in order to determine whether the development has percolated down to the lowest strata of society, it is necessary to take note of the level of standard that the citizens have achieved to live their day-to-day life with.
- Only through the determination of standard of living of the citizens, the true picture of development would surface.
This is a question with many answers, my personal answer would be
It isnt good to have trade as the building blocks of your nation. If your trade is cash crops and you get a drought, you will have nothing to trade. It isnt good to do such a thing because it isnt a reliable or fixed income.
Correct answer choice is :
<h2>D) Filling important government positions with party supporters.</h2><h2 /><h3>Explanation:</h3><h3 />
The title was in use in American politics as early as 1812, but it was made popular in a speech made in 1832 by Senator William Marcy of New York. In supporting one of President Andrew Jackson's appointments, Marcy said, To the victor belong the spoils of the opposition. In the spoils system, the president designates civil servants to government jobs especially because they are faithful to him and to his political party.