The surrender concluded a standoff that began with South Carolina’s secession from the Union on December 20, 1860
all you have to do is follow the commandment's instructions.
He added a new military system--Reagan instituted the "Star Wars" program increasing spending on missile systems.
Reagan's increase in military spending caused the Soviet Union to reply as they had in the past in the arms race with the US. The USSR was hurting financially and struggled to keep up with the arms race. This would eventually hurt the USSR's resources lending to collapse.
The Sermon of Pope Urban II at Clermont and the Ibn al-Zaki’s account of A Khutba on the Recovery of Jerusalem are very much alike. The first one, pronounced in 1095, was a call for all the great lords and knights of Christianity, especially those in the Council of Clermont, French and German, to recover the sacred land of Jerusalem from the hands of the heathens, the Muslims. The Pope encouraged them to leave everything behind to engage in this sacred war, a war ordered by God, and promised the fighters forgiveness of all their sins. This became the first Crusade.
On the other hand, the account on the recovery of Jerusalem was given on 1187, after the Muslims recovered Jerusalem from the hands of the Christians. It's a congratulation to those who fought in that holy war, ordered by God, and a call to keep fighting to erase all trace of the heresy brought by the Christians. So, all in all, both speeches were given by a high authority in both religions, they both claimed to be the real one and viewed the other as a fake, saw the fight for Jerusalem as a holy one.
Leaving office after two terms. The reason of this is because if he didn't do that, we don't know what presidency would be like today.
A. He set a precedent by serving only two presidential terms
George Washington never lived in the white house due to it being built later in history
He lived in the White House
George Washington established precedents for the executive office that have since become customary practice. Washington is responsible for establishing the tradition of the inaugural address and the cabinet system, neither prescribed by the Constitution.
George Washington is the only president to actually go into battle while serving as president.
George Washington made provisions to free all of the enslaved people he directly owned in his will.
Washington has been called the 'Father of His Country' for his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation
The state of Washington is the only state to be named after a president.
The first president is the only president not to live in the White House.