1.-The Clergy (ceux qui prient, those who pray): it was 0.5% of the population. it was the first order of the kingdom, the most privileged order, the closest to the King, and with more influence on the affairs of State.
2.- The Nobles, composed of about 25 thousand families, with about 350,000 people. They had fiscal privileges (did not pay the taille, the real tax), political privileges, since they occupied the high administrative positions in the government.3.- and the third state, the Poor and all those who did not belong to the clergy or the nobility. Of 28 million inhabitants, they were about 27 and a half million. They did not have special rights or privileges in general, but on the contrary, they bore all the tax burdens: the ecclesiastical taxes (tithe), the direct and indirect manors, the royal taxes ( taille), etc.
In 1571, a Spanish doctor named Nicolas Monardes wrote a book about the history of medicinal plants of the new world. In this he claimed that tobacco could cure 36 health problems. Sir Walter Raleigh<span> introduced "Virginia tobacco into England.</span>
it was to descuss how america was going to be goverened
The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection. It shows the correct shape and direction, but does not show the correct sizes. The size is distorted by a lot north or south of the Equator.
Robert Fulton - steam boat
Sam Slater- water powered cotton mill
Cyrus McCormick - mechanical reaper
Morse- telegraph and morse code